
Are you constantly referring to hero guides to see if those skills you rolled are any good?
Have you forgotten which of your two heroes, with the same name, you were going to replace?
Do you want to improve your heroes, but don't know where to start?

This site may be the solution you need, it's free & a simple solution to keeping track of your heroes and how optimal their skills are based on the wonderful knowledge over at

Once registered, you can input details about your heroes to help you keep track of them. Until ShopTitans provide an API, this does require a bit of manual input for each hero. At the moment, the minimum you need to specify per hero is: their class, name, level & what skills they have. Everything else is optional and just helps you compare different heroes more (such as who has better stats).

This site was built as my partner & I (David) are keen Shop Titans players but felt it was difficult to keep on top of what we should be doing to improve our heroes. I thought it would be useful for others, so here we are!

Are your heroes optimised?

From the heroes list, you'll be able to see key info about your hero roster, like how good their skills are based on data from and if you've taken them to the max with some extra attribute seeds!
Page listing heroes with their attributes and their skill ratings

Filter & Sort your heroes

Filter your heroes to find exactly who you're after.
Page listing heroes with their attributes and their skill ratings

Label away!

Manage labels as you see fit - whether it's for rating your heroes, organising them into teams or anything else!
Page listing labels that can be managed per user and be assigned to heroes

Quick reference for skills

You can quickly refer to what skills are available in Shop Titans from this page.
View what skills are available in Shop Titans and what they do

Quick reference for hero classes

You can quickly refer to what hero classes are available in Shop Titans from this page.
View what hero classes are available in Shop Titans

Wait, there's more...

This is a list of features that are planned to be implemented: